For individuals who have utilized student loans to finance their education expenses, it’s important to understand how they might affect your taxes. Many students wonder about the impact of their loans when tax season rolls around.
Tax Deductions for Student Loan Interest
Deducting student loan interest on your taxes can bring positive results. If you've paid interest on your student loans during the tax year, you might qualify to deduct up to $2,500 in interest. This deduction, known as the Student Loan Interest Deduction, applies to any of your student loans.
Paying off your student loans could make you eligible for deducting the interest paid from your taxable income. This deduction helps in lowering the taxable income reported to the IRS annually. It is accessible for both full- and part-time students without requiring itemized deductions. However, if someone else can claim you as a dependent on their taxes, you may not be eligible for this deduction.
For instance, if you paid $1,000 in interest on student loans last year, that $1,000 could be deducted from your taxable income. By reducing your taxable income through this deduction, you may potentially move into a lower tax bracket and decrease your tax rate, ultimately lowering your tax liability or increasing your refund.
To ensure you qualify for student loan tax deductions, you must meet the following criteria:
- The federal student loan or private student loan must have been borrowed by the taxpayer for the sole purpose to pay qualified higher educational expenses of the taxpayer, the taxpayer’s spouse, or the taxpayer’s dependent.
- Your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must fall within certain set limits.
- For the most part, you will not be eligible to claim this deduction if it will result in a double benefit, or you did not make the payments which paid down the interest of your loan.
It’s also good to keep in mind that student loan interest deductions have certain limits and restrictions. If you earn too much money or file as married filing separately, you may not be eligible for this deduction.
Check with your tax professional to understand exactly how your individual situation, married or not, will impact your eligibility for deduction.
Student Loan Forgiveness
If you are able to receive student loan forgiveness, it means that you no longer have to pay back your loan, but there may be a catch when it comes to taxes. When it comes to paying federal taxes, through December 31, 2025, any amount discharged on a student loan will not be considered taxable income and will not be taxed. This taxable income exemption was part of the American Recue Plan Act of 2021. However, depending where you live, your state may require you to pay state income tax on any forgiven portions of your student loans. Some states that see student loan forgiveness amounts as income in the year they were forgiven.
This means that you may be charged income tax on that particular amount of money, even if you never physically received the money. This could increase your state’s determination of taxable income, thus impacting the amount of money you are required to pay for taxes that year.
For example, if you have $20,000 of student loans forgiven, you may owe taxes on that amount as if you received $20,000 of regular income and then increase the amount of taxes that you owe. It’s important to realize this can potentially be a significant tax burden, so you should plan ahead if you are anticipating having your student loans forgiven.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
When it comes to federal and state taxable incomes, the rule remains consistent. For federal taxes, any forgiven amounts under PSLF will not be included in your taxable income. This exemption is legally protected and will continue beyond 2025. Meeting all criteria, such as working for an eligible employer and completing 120 qualifying payments, ensures that forgiven amounts do not impact your federal tax liability.
However, depending on the state where you live, forgiven amounts, even under PSLF may be considered taxable income in your state.
Key Points to Remember When Filing Your Taxes
As you begin working to complete your taxes, here are a few points to keep in mind of how your student loans may impact your filing:
- Double check how much total debt you owe to ensure there will not be discrepancies when you are reporting it on your tax documents.
- Find how much interest you have paid on your loan this year so you can deduct it, if you are eligible.
- If you have received forgiveness for your student loan this year, understand what implications that may mean on your taxes and contact your tax professional to ensure you are prepared for what may or may not be counted as taxable income .
- Research federal tax credits such as The American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC) or the Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC) as these are just some of the credits that could potentially lower your overall tax burden if utilized correctly.
Understanding how student loans can impact your taxes is vital when filing each year. Understanding the available deductions and credits can help you make smart financial decision and ensure you are not overpaying at tax time. If you have any questions regarding your particular situation, it is a good idea to consult a tax professional.
The information which is being provided is for general informational and educational purposes and is not, nor intended to be, legal, financial or tax advice. The publisher is not authorized to practice in front of the IRS and is not subject to IRS Circular 230. This information is general in nature and may not apply to the specific circumstances of individual readers. No claims are made about the accuracy, timeliness or usefulness of the content contained on this web site or any site linked to this site. Users of this site should seek specific guidance directly from a qualified legal, financial or tax professional. Nothing contained on or provided through this site is intended to be or is to be used as a substitute for professional advice.