Student loans, especially private ones, have been a focal point in recent conversations. Within a flurry of concerning stories, we frequently come across accounts of borrowers struggling with immense debt and no apparent solution. Nonetheless, it's vital to understand that these situations are more of an anomaly than the norm.
Unfortunately, these narratives have also fueled misconceptions surrounding private student loans. Through this article, our goal is to debunk myths and offer you factual information, equipping you to make educated decisions regarding funding your higher education.
Recent trends (available on show the relative stability of the LIBOR and WSJ Prime rates. Huge upward or downward swings are rare. Longer-term, the interest rates may increase.
If you think you need to borrow to pay for college, borrow smart. First, look for money that doesn’t have to be repaid, like grants and scholarships. Then, consider federal student loans, and finally, private loans.
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